“Bormix” contains Boron, Zinc, and Manganese, recommended for foliar application during the vegetative and reproductive growth stages to provide essential micronutrients for plants. The presence of Boron is crucial for the formation and stability of cell walls, as well as for nutrient transport. Zinc is effective in producing growth hormones and enzyme activity in plants. Manganese directly impacts photosynthesis, lignin biosynthesis, fruit formation, and accelerates fruiting. Simultaneous provision of Boron, Zinc, and Manganese improves pollination, fertilization, fruit set, uniformity, and quality. Applying this fertilizer after harvest and before leaf drop or dormancy helps increase the resistance of flower buds to winter and spring cold. It is also beneficial for early-season feeding and tree growth.
“Calnit” enhances fruit quality by simultaneously providing nitrogen and calcium. This fertilizer not only helps with better calcium absorption into the plant but also facilitates the movement of calcium within the plant, allowing it to reach target organs such as roots, buds, and fruits. Another role of calcium is improving the quality, shelf life, and marketability of fruits and products, ensuring that they have greater firmness, better market appeal, and longer shelf life. This prevents a decrease in quality during transportation and storage. The amino acids in this fertilizer serve as a nutritional source and a prerequisite for protein production in the plant, affecting growth and development both directly and indirectly. It also increases the plant’s resistance to environmental stress. Glutamic acid plays a significant role in nitrogen transfer and storage, as well as in pollination and fruit formation. Glutamic acid also participates in the synthesis of auxins and serves as a common precursor for chlorophyll and proline in the plant.
Ce-Force K
“Ce-Force K” contains potassium and phosphorus. The phosphorus in product is derived from phosphorous acid (H3PO3) origin, this fertilizer reduces flower and fruit drop, and also enhances quality and coloring of fruits. When the plant is exposed to diseases or environmental stress, some substances are naturally secreted in the plant (phytoalexins) that increase the resistance of the plant; use of “Ce-Force K” boosts the production of phytoalexins, so, consequently strengthens plant’s immune system.
Power Combi
“Power Combi” contains micronutrients plus amino acid & organic matter which enhance the absorption of micronutrients in the plant and quickly correct deficiencies. This product can quickly improve micronutrient deficiency, increase greenness, increase yield, improve quality and marketability, and increase crop resistance to environmental stresses.
“Siliguard” provides potassium and silicon at the same time to the plants. Simultaneous supply of the two elements leads to the strength of plants & tissues and increases plants resistance to the environmental stress. It increases the thickness, firmness, and plant leaf strength and effective role in improving the quality and firmness of fruit texture as well as increasing the shelf life of the products. Siliguard reduces the sunburn effects when the temperature and radiation are high in summer.
“Zeugma” contains nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc. By affecting the activity of vital enzymes and carbohydrate metabolism, zinc plays a role in maintaining cell membrane integrity, protein synthesis, regulation of auxin synthesis, and pollen formation. The application of this fertilizer promotes root growth and enhances water and nutrient uptake by the plant, leading to better seedling establishment at the early growth stages. It also improves flowering, fruit set, and reduces flower drop, ultimately increasing crop quality and yield.