Showing 61–72 of 122 results

Imidacloprid 35% SC

It is a systemic insecticide with contact, ingestion mode of action. It belongs to the neonicitinoid, which affects nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the central nervous system of insects. Imidacloprid is systemically absorbed from the root and released as an acropetal mechanism in the plant. The systemic effects of Imidacloprid do not diminish its effect because of rainfall and rinsing on the plant surface.

Indoxacarb 15% SC

It is a non-systemic insecticide with contact, ingestion mode of action. It belongs to oxadiazine. By blocking sodium channels in axons of nerve cells, Indoxacarb causes paralysis and stops feeding. 2 to 4 hours after foliar application, feeding disorder of the larvae, and their paralysis occurs, ultimately causing the death of the target larvae.


It is a non-systemic insecticide with contact, ingestion mode of action. It belongs to oxadiazine and avermectin. By blocking sodium channels in axons of nerve cells, Indoxacarb causes paralysis and stops feeding. Emamectin Benzoate inhibits muscle contraction, causing a continuous flow of chlorine ions in the GABA and H-Glutamate receptor sites. One of the features of this insecticide is the synergy of the two substances in the composition. The best time of use is early larval ages. It is recommended to control insects resistant to organophosphorus, carbamate and synthetic pyrethroids.

Iprodione + Carbendazim 52.5% WP

It is a systemic and contact fungicide with protective and curative with a broad-spectrum action. It belongs to the dicarboximide and benzimidazole. The point of impact of Iprodione, Affects inhibits fungal spore germination and mycelial growth and for Carbendazim is inhibits beta-tubulin synthesis and disruption in mitosis division.


Ironate" contains iron and potassium and also humic acid, fulvic acid, and organic matter. Iron is an essential element in plant growth and plays an important role in photosynthesis and chlorophyll production. In the case of iron deficiency, the photosynthesis process in the plant is disrupted and chlorosis appears in the leaves. Supplying iron through the soil is one of the main methods of supplying this element, which, in combination with organic matter, increases absorption, efficiency and finally increases the yield of crops. The movement of iron in plants is influenced by potassium. According to the time of potassium consumption, which is at the same time as the transfer of materials made in the leaves to the reproductive points of the plant. Therefore, potassium plays an important role in the final stage, which is the stage of increasing yield. Due to the alkalinity of the soil in most regions of the country, the absorption and duration of iron in the soil are very short, and even the plant cannot absorb it sufficiently. Therefore, the use of humic acid along with iron fertilizer is the best recommendation for treating iron deficiency in plants and providing. This is because by acidifying and balancing the pH of the soil, iron fertilizer can be absorbed with the greatest amount.


" Kinghami" contains a variety of nutritional elements and supplementary ingredients such as nitrogen, potassium, seaweed, alginic acid, amino acid and micro elements. Amino acids and alginic acid in this product are strong anti-stress agents which increase plant resistance to environmental stresses.

Kresoxim-methyl 50% WDG

It is an eradicating fungicide with protective and curative action. It belongs to the oximinoacetate. The mode of action of Kresoxim-methyl results in the inhibition of respiration in the mitochondria of target fungi. It interrupts electron flow by acting at the Qo center on cytochrome bc1 in the respiratory chain.

lambada-cyhalothrin 4.9% CS

It is a non-systemic insecticide with contact, ingestion, repelling and long-lasting. mode of action. It belongs to the pyrethroids, which disrupt sodium channels in the axon membrane and has a knock-down property that causes paralysis and death of the insect. lambada-cyhalothrin has a quick action on pests.

Lufenuron+Emamectin Benzoate 45%WG

It is a semi-systemic insecticide with contact and ingestion mode of action. It belongs to the benzoylurea (Lefenuron 40%) and avermectin (emamectin benzoate 5%). Lufenuron is a hormonal insecticide, which causes disturbance in chitin synthesis in larvae (ages 1 to 3 - infertility of insect eggs). Emamectin Benzoate inhibits muscle contraction, causing a continuous flow of chlorine ions in the GABA and H-Glutamate receptor sites. This insecticide is effective on larvae and has a knock down effect on adult insects. It is recommended to control insects resistant to organophosphorus and pyrethroids.


“Lyric 4.8" contains soluble Fe, chelated with EDDHA ortho-ortho isomer. The iron element is effective in activating more than 200 enzymes and is known to be the most functioning micronutrient in plant. EDDHA is the most effective chelating agent for alkaline soils that keeps iron active for a long time. The ortho-ortho spatial shape of the Fe-EDDHA molecule strongly protects the iron ions from oxidation and guarantees the amount of plant uptake.

Malathion 57%EC

It is a non-systemic insecticide and acaricide contact with fumigant and ingestion mode of action. It belongs to the organophosphate, a neurotoxin that acts as a cholonesterase inhibitor in the insect nervous system. Malathion has a very wide range of insecticides.

Mancozeb 80% WP

It is A broad spectrum protectant fungicide with contact action (combination of two fungicides Zainab and Manab). It belongs to the Dithiocarbamate. It is a multi-site inhibitor, toxic to fungal cells membranes. It contains zinc and manganese essential trace elements involved in the metabolism of plants. A protective fungicide which reacts with, and inactivates sulfhydryl (SH) groups of aminoacids and enzymes of fungal cells, resulting in disruption of lipid metabolism, respiration and production of ATP.