Showing 73–84 of 85 results

Sponsor (Spinosad 24% SC)

It is contact insecticide with ingestion mode of action. It belongs to the spinosins, whose active ingredient (spinosad) consists of two components, spinosin A and spinosin D. Sponsor is a natural substance that is produced under aerobic fermentation conditions by a soil bacterium (actinomycete) called Saccharopolyspora spinosa. And by affecting the acetylcholine receptors, it causes paralysis and death of the insect. Spinosad, with a low dosage, controls different life stages of many pests, especially the larvae of butterflies, in different products. Sponsor has good compatibility with various products (agricultural, vegetables, fruit trees etc.) and can be used in IPM.

Super Power (Clethodim 12% EC)

It is a selective, systemic post-emergence herbicide. It belongs to the class of cyclohexanediones herbicides and inhibition of acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase Inhibitors). Its mode of action is growing points to inhibit the biosynthesis of plant branched-chain fatty acids. This herbicide is absorbed by the aerial parts of the plant.

Tebuconazole 25% EW

It is a systemic fungicide with protective action. It belongs to the triazola group. It is an ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor. Ergosterol, a principal sterol in most fungi is an indispensable component in the membrane structures. It is transported acropetally (upwards) in the xylem.


It is a systemic insecticide with ingestion mode of action. It belongs to diacylhydrazine, which mimics the action of the insect moulting hormone, ecdysone. Larvae stop feeding within hours of exposure and then undergo a lethal, unsuccessful moult.

Thiodicarb 80% DF

It is a contact and ingestion mode of action insecticide. It belongs to carbamate, which is an inhibitor of the cholinesterase enzyme in the nervous system, which is destroyed by the accumulation of acetylcholine in synapses, a living insect, due to repeated stimulation and convulsions.

Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP

It is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. It belongs to the class of thiophanate and absorbed by the leaves and roots. It acts by binding to tubulin, thereby blocking mitosis.

Tiocyclam Hydrogen Oxalate 50% SP

It is a selective insecticide with contact and ingestion mode of action. It belongs to the nereistoxin analogue. It has a biological origin and is prepared from a type of sea worm (Lumbrineris Heteropoda). which causes paralysis and death of the insect by blocking acetylcholine receptors in the central system.

Tribenuron methyl 75% DF

It is a contact and selective herbicide, absorbed by foliage and roots. It belongs to the class of sulfonylurea herbicides and inhibition of aceto-lactase synthase (ALS) or Acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) mode of action. Its mode of action is by branched chain amino acid valine, leucine, and isoleucine synthesis inhibition.

Trichlorfon 80% SP

It is a non-systemic insecticide with contact and ingestion mode of action. It belongs to the organophosphates, which has a rapid effect on acetylcholinesterase (ace) inhibitor.

Tricyclazole 75% WP

It is a systemic fungicide with protective action. It belongs to the triazolobenothiazole and absorbed by the leaves and roots.

It acts by inhibiting melanin synthesis

Trifloxystrobin 50% WG

It is a mesostemic (semi-systemic) fungicide with protective and curative action. It belongs to the oximinoacetate. The mode of action of Trifloxystrobin results in the inhibition of respiration in the mitochondria of target fungi. It interrupts electron flow by acting at the Qo center on cytochrome bc1 in the respiratory chain.

Trifluralin 48% EC

It is a selective, pre-emergence dinitroaniline herbicide which is mainly absorbed through the coleoptile and hypocotyl of weeds and prevents the germination of the weed seed through cell division blockage in the hypocotyl, as well as the development of the root system. It is not transferable in plants. Increasing the diameter of the root, causing swelling in the meristem area of the root tip, preventing the production of lateral roots are the symptoms of using this herbicide.